Betta Joy
Can Catfish and Betta Live Together?

Can Catfish and Betta Live Together?

In the wild, bettas and catfish have been living together in rice paddies in Southeast Asia. The combination of a betta and a catfish can be an interesting and unusual addition to an aquarium. Bettas are aggressive fish...

Can Bettas Live with Cichlids?

Can Bettas Live with Cichlids?

Betta fish are a popular pet, and for good reason. They are attractive, easy to care for, and come in a variety of colors. However, many people who keep Bettas wish they can live with other fish. Bettas can thrive when...

Can Bettas and Gouramis Live Together?

Can Bettas and Gouramis Live Together?

Many people believe that bettas and gouramis cannot live together in the same tank because they are two very different fish. Bettas are known for their aggressiveness, while gouramis are known to be shy and docile...

Can Betta Fish Eat Peas?

Can Betta Fish Eat Peas?

Bettas are omnivorous and will eat a variety of food, so can betta fish eat peas? Some people think so, while others are convinced that they’re a no-go. Based on the evidence, it seems that betta fish will at...

Do Betta Fish Hide when They Are Dying

Do Betta Fish Hide when They Are Dying

Betta fish are often considered hardy, but according to some owners, they will often hide when they are dying. In a recent discussion, it was found that betta fish will often try to conceal themselves when they are ill...

Can Baby Bettas Eat Pellets?

Can Baby Bettas Eat Pellets?

Pellets are a great way to provide your betta with a balanced diet, but be aware that some baby bettas may not be able to digest them. Some people believe that baby bettas can eat pellets, while others think this is a...

Are Snails Good for Betta Tanks?

Are Snails Good for Betta Tanks?

Most people who keep bettas in a tank do not think about adding snails, but they are an important part of the ecosystem. Snails help to control the growth of algae, which can choke out plants and fish. They also...

Are Plecos Compatible with Bettas

Are Plecos Compatible with Bettas

Plecos and bettas are both tropical fish, so they should be compatible, right? Wrong. Bettas may not be the best fish for a pleco tank. Bettas and plecos share many common traits, such as a liking for water motion and a...

Are Mirrors Good for Bettas?

Are Mirrors Good for Bettas?

Betta fish are a popular pet, but many people are unsure about whether or not mirrors are good for them. Many people believe that mirrors can be dangerous for Bettas because they can become obsessed with their...

Do Bettas and Tetras Get Along?

Do Bettas and Tetras Get Along?

There is no mistaking the appeal of a Betta fish swimming in a colorful bowl or an array of Tetra fish darting about in a tank. Bettas and Tetras share many common traits, such as being able to adapt well to new...