Betta Joy

Can Betta Fish Eat Peas?

Bettas are omnivorous and will eat a variety of food, so can betta fish eat peas? Some people think so, while others are convinced that they’re a no-go. Based on the evidence, it seems that betta fish will at least try them if given the opportunity. However, some say that bettas should not eat peas at all because they can be high in calories and may contain chemicals that can harm the fish. This article will discuss reasons why feeding peas to betta and tips on feeding your betta peas.

Can Betta Fish Eat Peas?

When Should Betta Eat Peas?

There are a lot of debates surrounding betta fish diet. Some people say they should only eat pellets, while others believe they can also enjoy flakes, bloodworms, and brine shrimp.

One food that is often up for debate is peas. Some people say that peas are a great way to help clean your betta’s digestive system, while others believe that they should only be fed to sick fish as a form of medication. So, when should you feed your betta peas?

The best time to feed your betta peas is when he is constipated. If your betta has not pooped in a few days and is looking bloated, then feeding him some cooked peas may help get things moving again. Peas act as a laxative and can help clear out your betta’s system.

What Can Betta Fish Eat Other than Peas?

Betta fish are popular pets, but what can they eat if they get constipated? Bettas will eat a variety of things, but their diet should mostly consist of live and frozen foods. While peas are a good source of fiber for bettas, there are other things that they can eat if they get constipated.


The ingestion of seaweed is known to help stimulate the digestive system and can be a useful treatment for constipation in bettas. The high levels of fiber found in seaweed help to add bulk to the stool, which can help encourage the passage of stools. In addition, the minerals and vitamins present in seaweed can also help support digestive health.

Algae Wafers

There are a couple reasons why people might choose to feed their betta algae wafers in cases of constipation. First, the wafers are extremely high in fiber, which can help to relieve constipation by stimulating the bowels. Additionally, algae wafers are packed with nutrients that can help support the overall health of the fish. This is important in cases of constipation, as the fish’s overall health may be compromised if it is unable to digest food properly.


Feeding Daphnia to constipated Bettas can help to relieve the build-up of fecal matter in the digestive system. Daphnia are small crustaceans that are high in water content and low in fiber, which makes them an ideal food for relieving constipation. The water content of Daphnia helps to hydrate the gut and stimulate bowel movements, while the low fiber content helps to move the fecal matter through the digestive system.

Boiled peas

What to Do if My Betta Refused to Eat Peas

If your Betta fish refuses to eat peas, you may be wondering what to do. Peas are an important source of protein for Bettas and can help keep them healthy. However, if your Betta is not eating them, there are a few things you can try.

Starve the Fish

Starving a fish is a way of inducing it to eat. It is done by withholding food from the fish for a period of time. This typically makes the fish more hungry and therefore more likely to eat the food that is offered. In the case of a betta refusing to eat peas, starving the fish may be necessary in order to get it to eat.

Hide the Peas in Their Favorite Food

Hide the peas in their favorite food so that the betta will be more likely to eat them. The peas are blended into the food so that they are not easily visible and the betta will not be able to see them or smell them. This will hopefully trick the betta into eating the peas without knowing what they are.

Ways to Prepare Pea for Betta

In the wild, Bettas will eat a variety of things such as insects, larvae, and other small creatures. In captivity, they can be fed a diet of pellets, flakes, frozen or live food. Some people like to give their Bettas boiled peas as a treat.

There are two ways to prepare peas for your Betta. One way is to simply boil them and another way is to freeze them.

By Boiling

The easiest way to prepare peas for your Betta is by boiling them. Boiling the peas will soften them and make them easier for your Betta to eat. Start by filling a pot with water and bringing it to a boil. Add the peas to the boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes. Remove the peas from the boiling water and allow them to cool before feeding them to your Betta.

By Freezing

Another way to prepare peas for your Betta is to freeze them. Freezing them will kill any parasites or bacteria that may be on the peas and make them safe for your Betta to eat. First, you will need to wash the peas and then remove the hulls. After that, you will need to place them in a zip-lock bag and freeze them for about two hours. Once they are frozen, you can crush the peas and feed them to your Betta.

Will the Water Get Dirty if I Feed My Betta with Peas??

The peas will not dirty the water if they are fed to the betta, as they are a type of vegetable that is low in nitrogenous wastes. The pea will sink to the bottom of the tank and the betta will eat it. The skin and hull of the pea will break down in the water and release nutrients that the betta can digest.


In conclusion, Bettas can eat peas but it is not recommended as a staple in their diet. Peas are a good source of protein and other nutrients, but they should only be feed peas when constipated. Bettas should have a varied diet that includes both live and freeze-dried foods.