Betta Joy

Will Male Bettas Kill Their Babies?

Male bettas are known for being aggressive and territorial fish. Some people believe that this aggression extends to their young, and that male bettas will kill their babies. However, many betta breeders report that male bettas are quite protective of their young, and will even risk their own lives to protect them. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why male bettas will kill or eat their babies and tips on how to prevent them from killing them.

Will Male Bettas Kill Their Babies?

Reasons Why Male Bettas Will Kill Their Babies

Many people are surprised to learn that male bettas will sometimes kill or eat their babies. There are several reasons why this might happen, and we explain each of them below:

They Feel Threatened

Male Bettas will kill their babies when they feel threatened because they want to ensure that the babies have the best chance of survival. In order to protect them, the males will kill any other fish in the tank that may pose a threat. The male will also chase away any intruders in order to keep them safe.

They Are Not Well-Fed

The males need to provide food for their young and if they are not well-fed, they will not be able to do that. The males will also eat the eggs if they are not well-fed.

Mistake Their Own Babies for Other Fish

Male Bettas will kill their babies because they believe that in order to create a strong and successful lineage, it is necessary to weed out any genetic defects or weaknesses in their offspring. If a male Betta mistakes another fish for one of his own offspring, he may kill it without realizing that he has done so. This can ultimately lead to the death of his entire brood.

They Are Not the Dominant Male

Male Bettas, when they are not the dominant male, will kill their babies. The dominant male is the one who mates with the female and protects the eggs and fry. If there is more than one male in a tank, the dominant male will usually kill the other males’ fry. This is because the dominant male wants to make sure that his genes are passed on.

Water Quality Is Poor

Male bettas, when placed in water with poor water quality, will often kill their babies. Poor water quality can be caused by a number of factors, such as high levels of ammonia and nitrite. These toxins can cause the baby bettas to become sick and eventually die. Male bettas may also kill their babies if they feel threatened by them or if the tank is too crowded.

For No Reason

Male Bettas have been known to kill their babies for no reason. It is speculated that this might be due to a lack of parenting skills or an inability to properly care for their offspring, but the root cause of this behavior remains unknown. What is known, however, is that it is a relatively common occurrence and can often result in the death of the young Bettas.

Tips on How to Prevent Male Bettas from Killing Their Babies

Male Bettas are notorious for killing their babies. Unfortunately, there is no foolproof way to prevent this from happening, but there are some things you can do to minimize the chances. Below are some tips you can try to prevent them from killing or eating their offspring.

Use a Breeding Box

Male bettas will often kill their offspring if they are not separated during the breeding process. To prevent this, a breeding box can be used. This is a small, enclosed container with a divider that separates the male and female bettas. The male cannot see or reach the female, so he is less likely to attack her and her young.

Remove the Male Betta Immediately

Male bettas, when left in the same tank as their newborn fry, have been known to eat them. To prevent this from happening, the male betta should be removed from the tank after the fry are born. This can be done by either removing him to a separate tank.

Watch for Signs of Aggression

Male bettas can be territorial and aggressive towards other males, and this can sometimes lead to them killing their babies. To prevent this, it is important to watch for any signs of aggression and remove the babies if necessary. If a male betta start acting aggressively, it is best to remove the babies and place them in a separate tank until the father has calmed down.

Provide Plenty of Hiding Places

Male Bettas can be quite protective of their nests and will attack anything that comes near, including their babies. To prevent the male from killing the babies, provide plenty of hiding places for them to escape to. This can be done by adding plants or artificial decorations to the tank.

Feed Them on Time

Male Bettas, when they are not fed on time, have been known to kill their babies. This happens because the males become hungry and start to eat the babies. To prevent this from happening, it is important to feed the males on time so that they do not become hungry.


In conclusion, it is known that male betta will not kill their babies. However, it is important to be aware of the risks and take the necessary precautions if you are going to breed bettas. If you are not experienced in breeding fish, be sure to keep a close eye on the males and remove the fries as soon as the male start acting strange.