Betta Joy

Can Bettas and Gouramis Live Together?

Many people believe that bettas and gouramis cannot live together in the same tank because they are two very different fish. Bettas are known for their aggressiveness, while gouramis are known to be shy and docile. However, this is not always the case.

Can Bettas and Gouramis Live Together?

In this article, we will discuss the reasons why they cannot live together and tips on how to keep them together without them killing each other’s.

What is Gourami?

Gourami is a type of freshwater fish that is popular in the aquarium hobby. There are several different species of Gourami, but all share certain common characteristics, such as their elongated body shape and the presence of a pair of barbels on their lower jaws.

Gourami are omnivorous and will eat a wide variety of foods, including both plant and animal matter. They are generally peaceful fish and can be kept in community tanks with other non-aggressive fish species.

Why Bettas and Gouramis Cannot Live Together?

Bettas and Gouramis are two popular fish species that are often kept together in aquariums. However, Bettas and Gouramis cannot live together peacefully because they have very different needs. Below are some reasons why they cannot live together in a same tank:

Bettas Are Aggressive

Bettas are aggressive fish and will attack the Gourami, often leading to the death of the smaller fish. There are a few reasons why bettas are so aggressive. One reason is that they are territorial fish and they want to protect their territory from other fish. Another reason is that bettas are a predatory fish and they see other fish as potential prey.

Bettas can also be very aggressive towards each other. This is especially true when males are kept together in the same tank. The males will often fight for dominance and the weaker fish can often be killed.

Both Are Top Dwellers

Many betta owners believe that their fish can live in peace with other small, community fish. While this may be true for some fish, bettas and gouramis cannot live together because they are both top dwellers.

Top dwellers are fish that like to stay near the water’s surface. They get their oxygen from the air, which is why they need a tank with an open top. When these fish are kept in a tank with other fish, who get their oxygen from the water, the top dwellers will constantly compete for air space. This can lead to stress and even death for the weaker fish.

Water Conditions

Betta and Gourami fish cannot live together because their water conditions are different. Bettas prefer a warmer temperature, while Gouramis prefer a cooler temperature. If the water is too warm for the gourami, it will become sick and eventually die.


How to Keep Bettas and Gouramis Together?

Many betta and gourami owners are often confused about whether or not they can keep their fish together. Some people say that bettas and gouramis cannot be kept together because they will constantly fight, while others say that if you provide enough space and plants for each fish, they will get along just fine. Below are some tips on how to keep them from fighting.

Introduce the Fish to Each Other Gradually

Bettas, however, should always be introduced last, as they are more territorial than gouramis. Once the gouramis have claimed their territory, the bettas can then be added without any problems.

Provide Plenty of Hiding Places for the Gourami

One thing you can do is provide plenty of hiding places for the gourami. This will give him somewhere to go when the betta gets too close. You can also try adding a few more plants to the tank to create more hiding places.

Make Sure There Is Enough Food for Both Fish

It is important to make sure there is enough food for both fish. If there isn’t, the bettas will likely dominate and the gouramis will become shy and stay away from the food. To avoid this, try to have at least three times as much food for the gouramis as you do for the bettas. This way, both fish can eat without having to compete for food.

React Quickly if They Start Fighting

If you have both a betta and a gourami in your tank, it’s important to be aware of the signs that they’re starting to fight. In general, these fish will get along fine as long as you provide them with plenty of hiding places. However, if they start fighting, you need to react quickly or one or both of them could end up getting injured.

One thing to look for is if either fish is swimming near the surface of the water. This is often a sign that they’re trying to get oxygenated blood to their muscles so they can fight more effectively. If you see this happening, try separating the fish immediately.

Another sign that things are starting to go bad is when one fish starts chasing the other around. If this happens, try putting a divider in the tank so that they can’t interact with each other anymore.


In conclusion, Bettas and Gouramis cannot live together because they have different needs. Bettas need a calm, low-traffic environment with plenty of plants and Gouramis need a more active environment with plenty of space to swim. If you are thinking about keeping both of these fish, it is best to get two tanks.