Betta Joy
Do Bettas Like Planted Tanks?

Do Bettas Like Planted Tanks?

Keeping Betta fish in a planted tank can be an enjoyable experience for both the fish and the keeper. The plants provide cover, and the flowing water provides plenty of oxygen and movement. However, there are a few...

Do Bettas Like Moss Balls?

Do Bettas Like Moss Balls?

It depend because every betta is different and may react differently to various objects in their environment. Some bettas may be attracted to moss balls and swim around them or rest on top of them, while others may...

Do Bettas Like Hard or Soft Water?

Do Bettas Like Hard or Soft Water?

Bettas are popular fish in the pet trade, but their care can be tricky. Some aquarists believe that hard water is better for Bettas because it is less taxing on their kidneys, while others maintain that soft water is...

Do Bettas Like Crowded Tanks?

Do Bettas Like Crowded Tanks?

Do Bettas like crowded tanks? Some people believe that Bettas like to be in crowded tanks because they feel safe in numbers. Others believe that Bettas do not like crowds and that it makes them stressed. To find out if...

Do Bettas Like Being Alone?

Do Bettas Like Being Alone?

Bettas are popular fish in the aquarium world, but some people think they may not enjoy being alone. This is a common misconception because bettas are social fish that need companionship to thrive. Bettas do get along...

Do Betta Like Warm Water?

Do Betta Like Warm Water?

Betta fish are popular pets in the United States. They are small, colorful fish that require warm water to be healthy. Betta fish originate from Southeast Asia and are known for their temperaments and hardy...

Do Betta Fish Need Gravel in Their Tanks?

Do Betta Fish Need Gravel in Their Tanks?

Betta fish are one of the most popular types of fish kept in home aquaria. They are small and peaceful, making them perfect for beginner aquarists. However, like all fish, Bettas require some type of substrate to live...

do betta fish move around alot

Do Betta Fish Move Around a lot?

Betta fish are small, colorful fish that often get a bad rap because they are seen as “sluggish” or “lazy”. The truth is, bettas do move around, but not as much as you might think. In fact, most of the time they are...

do betta fish give live birth

Do Betta Fish Give Live Birth?

Betta fish do not give live birth. Spawning is the process by which Betta fish reproduce and it involves the male fish depositing sperm in the water and the female fish swimming through it to pick up the sperm and then...

do baby betta fish fight

Do Baby Betta Fish Fight?

When most people think of betta fish, the image that comes to mind is usually a brightly-colored, solitary male in a small tank. However, bettas can also be kept in groups and make interesting community tank inhabitants...