Betta Joy

Do Bettas Like Planted Tanks?

Keeping Betta fish in a planted tank can be an enjoyable experience for both the fish and the keeper. The plants provide cover, and the flowing water provides plenty of oxygen and movement. However, there are a few things to keep in mind if you want to keep Bettas in a planted tank.

Do Bettas Like Planted Tanks?

Keeping betta fish in planted tank is possible if the aquarium has ample space for the bettas and the plants. There are many benefits to keeping a Betta fish in a planted tank, including providing a healthy environment for your fish and reducing the risk of disease. Additionally, a planted tank is a fun and easy way to show your dedication to keeping your fish healthy and well-cared for.

Bettas Do Better in Planted Tanks

In the wild, Bettas live in shallow ponds and streams. These habitats are filled with plants and hiding places that Bettas need in order to feel safe. In an aquarium, a Betta can become stressed if it doesn’t have plenty of plants and places to hide. This can lead to health problems, including fin rot.

Aquarists have found that Bettas do better when they are kept in planted tanks. The plants provide a natural habitat for the fish, and also help to filter the water. In addition, the plants provide a place for Bettas to hide from other fish and from predators.

Plants Provide Bettas with Places to Explore

When keeping a betta in a tank, it’s important to provide them with places to explore. This can be done by adding plants to the tank. Not only do plants provide bettas with hiding spots, but they also give them something to look at. This is important because bettas can get bored and lonely if they don’t have anything to keep them occupied.

Plants Also Help to Filter the Water in The Tank

Aquarium plants are more than just decorations; they play an important role in keeping the water clean. Plants help to absorb organic waste and nitrates, which can cause algae growth and cloudiness. They also provide a place for bacteria to grow that consume ammonia and nitrites, which are harmful to fish. By filtering the water, plants help to maintain a healthy environment for your fish.

Will Bettas Eat the Plants?

Are you considering adding plants to your betta tank? You may be wondering if your fish will eat the plants. The good news is that most bettas will not eat plants. In fact, many bettas enjoy swimming among the leaves and stems of aquatic plants.

There are a few types of plants that some bettas do like to eat. If you are concerned about your fish eating your plants, you can avoid those types of plants or place them in a location where your fish cannot reach them.

Some of the most popular types of plants for betta tanks include Java Fern, Anubias, and Anacharis. These plants are all hardy and easy to care for, and they will not be eaten by most bettas.

Betta in planted tank

What Plants Are Good for Bettas?

There are many plants that can be used to keep bettas happy and healthy. Some of these plants have characteristics that make them good for Bettas, such as being low-maintenance, easy to grow, and providing a lot of benefits to the fish. Here are five plants that are especially good for Bettas:

Amazon Frogbit

Amazon Frogbit are a great plant for bettas because they provide a place for them to hide, they help keep the water clean, and they’re easy to care for. Frogbit grow quickly and can cover a lot of surface area, so they’re perfect for small tanks. They don’t require any special care and can be left in the tank when you do water changes.


Hornwort are a great addition to any betta tank for a few reasons. They help keep the water clean by removing nitrates, they provide a place for the betta to hide, and they add some color to the tank. Hornwort can be easily attached to the side of the tank or to a rock, or they can be left to float in the water.

Java Fern

Java fern are one of the easiest plants to care for and they are a great addition to any aquarium, especially a betta tank. Java fern grow slowly, so they don’t need to be replaced often, and they can even survive in low-light conditions. They also help improve water quality by removing harmful toxins from the water.

Marimo Moss Balls

Marimo moss balls are beneficial for betta fish for several reasons. First, they provide a place for the betta to hide and play. Second, they help clean the tank by consuming excess food and waste. Third, they release oxygen into the water, which is beneficial for both the betta and other fish in the tank. Finally, they are decorative and add interest to the aquarium.


Anubias plants are a popular addition to any betta tank, as they are one of the easiest plants to care for. Anubias come from Africa and grow in slow-moving water, making them a perfect choice for aquariums with fish that like to rest on the leaves of plants.

Anubias can be attached to rocks or driftwood with wire or nylon thread, or they can be left to float in the water. Anubias leaves will typically grow 2-3 inches long and produce small, white flowers underwater.

Do Bettas Like Fake Plants?

Some Bettas enthusiasts believe that fake plants make good tank mates for Bettas because they do not require as much care and maintenance as live plants. However, some people believe that the plants provide a hiding place and make the fish feel more comfortable and they can nibble on them.

In fact, some experts believe that fake plants may actually be harmful to Bettas because they can trap debris and bacteria in their crevices. There have been no scientific studies to determine which option is better, so it is up to each individual fish owner to decide what to do. Some people have had good results with both fake and live plants, while others have found that their bettas ignore the fake plants or even seem to dislike them.


In conclusion, Bettas do like planted tanks. The plants provide them with cover and security, and they seem to enjoy swimming through the plants. If you’re thinking about getting a Betta, we would definitely recommend a planted tank.