Betta Joy

Do Betta Fish Hide when They Are Dying

Betta fish are often considered hardy, but according to some owners, they will often hide when they are dying. In a recent discussion, it was found that betta fish will often try to conceal themselves when they are ill or near death. They also found that the fish were more likely to hide if they were in a group than if they were alone. It’s not clear why the fish hide, but it’s possible that they are trying to avoid being eaten by other fish.

Do Betta Fish Hide when They Are Dying

Signs of A Dying Betta Fish

There are signs that a betta fish is dying, and it’s important to know what these signs are in order to provide the best care for your fish. Some of the most common signs of a dying betta fish are discussed below. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take before it is too late.

Not Eating

There are a few different reasons that a betta fish might not eat, but one of the most common is that the fish is sick or dying. When a betta fish stops eating, it is often a sign that something is wrong and that the fish needs help. There are a few different things you can do to try to get your betta fish to start eating again, including adding a new food to its diet or changing the water temperature in its tank.

Loss of Color

The loss of color in a betta fish is often one of the first signs that the fish is dying. This is because the betta’s color comes from its coloring cells, called chromatophores, and as these cells die, the fish loses its color.

Not Responsive

Non-responsive behavior in Bettas can be a sign that they are sick or dying. When a Betta does not respond to its environment, it is usually an indication that the fish is not doing well. This could be due to a number of different factors, including poor water quality or an infection.


The lethargy exhibited by a betta fish is often one of the first signs that the fish is dying. The fish may become less active, and may spend more time at the bottom of the tank. The fins may also become clamped, and the color may fade.

Gasping At Surface

The phrase “gasping at surface” is often used to describe a fish that is struggling to breathe. This is usually a sign that the fish is in distress and could be dying. The reason the fish is having difficulty breathing may be due to a number of factors, such as poor water quality, low oxygen levels, or illness. If you notice your betta fish gasping at the surface, it’s important to take action right away to try to save the fish.

What to Do if You Think Your Betta Fish Is Dying

A healthy betta fish is active and colorful, but if you notice your betta fish is inactive, not eating, has clamped fins, or is discolored, it may be sick. Here are some tips on how to help your sick betta fish get better.

Don’t Panic

If you are concerned that your betta fish is dying, the best thing to do is remain calm. Bettas can often recover from seemingly serious illnesses, so panicking is not going to help the situation. Instead, try to perform the tasks below. Many times, this can be done simply by changing the water in the fish tank. If you are not sure what is wrong with your betta, take it to a pet store or aquarium for help.

Quarantine Your Fish

The act of quarantining a fish is one that is often taken when a fish owner thinks their betta fish may be dying. This is done in order to try and prevent the spread of any potential illnesses to other fish in the tank. By isolating the sick fish, it allows for treatment to be administered without having to worry about other fish becoming infected.

Identify the Illness

If you think your Betta Fish is dying, the first step is to try and identify the illness. There are many different diseases that can affect Bettas, so it’s important to know what to look for.

Perform Water Changes

Water changes are often performed when a betta fish is believed to be sick. The logic behind this is that changing the water can help to remove any potential toxins or pollutants that may be contributing to the fish’s illness. In addition, fresh water can help to improve the fish’s overall health and well-being.

Add Aquarium Salt

Adding aquarium salt to a betta fish tank is usually done when the fish owner thinks their betta fish is sick. The salt can help to improve the fish’s health by making the water more alkaline and adding some electrolytes to the water. However, adding salt to a betta fish tank is not necessary and can sometimes do more harm than good, so it is important to do some research before adding any salt to a tank.

Other Reasons for A Betta Fish Hiding

Some betta fish owners might not know that there are other reasons for their fish to hide other than just being scared. Below are some reasons betta fish went hiding in the tank.

Being Scared

Betta fish hiding is a common occurrence, typically when the fish is scared. The behavior can be attributed to several factors, including the betta’s natural instinct to hide from predators and the fear of being out in the open. In addition, bettas may hide if they are not feeling well or if they are in an unfamiliar environment.


The behavior of hiding can be exhibited in betta fish when they are constipated. This is because the waste that is built up in their system makes them feel uncomfortable and they will try to hide from view. It is important to monitor your betta fish’s diet and water quality to help prevent constipation and other health problems.

Ready to Spawn

Betta fish hiding behavior is usually associated with the fish being ready to spawn. Spawning usually occurs when the male and female are placed in a tank with ample breeding areas, such as plants or spawning mops. The male will start to build a bubble nest, and the female will release her eggs. The male will then fertilize the eggs. After spawning is complete, the parents should be removed from the tank so that they do not eat their offspring.


In conclusion, it appears that betta fish do hide when they are dying. This behavior is likely due to their territorial nature, as well as their instinct to protect themselves from predators. If you notice that your betta fish is hiding, it is important to take steps to ensure that it receives the appropriate care.