Betta Joy

Why Does My Betta Look Dead?

Betta fish are one of the most popular fish kept as pets in the United States. They are small, colorful and have a personality that many people find appealing. However, like all other animals, betta fish can become ill. If your betta fish looks lethargic and its eyes appear cloudy, he may be sick. This article will explore some of the reasons why this may be and provide some tips to help you determine if your betta is actually sick or just resting.

Why Does My Betta Look Dead?

What to Look for If Your Betta Is Looking Sick

A healthy betta is an active fish that will eat and swim around. If your betta is not looking healthy, here are some things to look for and what you can do about it. One common sign of illness is when a betta stays at the bottom of the tank or in one spot. If your betta does not seem to be eating, this could also be a sign of illness.

Often Resting at The Bottom

If you notice that your betta fish is often resting at the bottom of the tank and not swimming around as much as usual, it may be a sign that he is sick. In general, bettas should be swimming around and exploring their environment. If your fish is not doing this, there may be something wrong and you should take him to a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.

Not Eating

If your betta fish is not eating, there are a few key things you can look for to determine if he is sick. One of the most common symptoms of illness in bettas is a decrease in appetite. If your betta isn’t eating, there may be something wrong with his health.

Not Reacting

There are many things you can look for if your betta appears to be sick. One common sign is that your betta is not reacting to you. This might mean that your betta is not swimming around or coming up to the surface to eat like they usually do. If this is the case, it’s important to take your betta to a vet as soon as possible, as they may have a serious illness.

Reasons for Bettas Looking Dead

In the world of fishkeeping, Bettas are one of the most popular and commonly kept fish. They are small, colorful, and easy to care for. However, Bettas can also be quite mysterious. One common question that fishkeepers ask is why their Bettas sometimes look dead. There are a number of reasons for this, and understanding them can help you better care for your Betta.

Hibernation Mode

One reason that Bettas may look dead is due to their natural defenses. When they feel threatened or uncomfortable, Bettas will often go into a sort of “hibernation” mode where they curl up into a ball and appear to be dead. This is a survival tactic that allows them to avoid being eaten by predators.

Unstable Water Temperature

Bettas are delicate fish and their well-being depends on many factors, including water temperature. Unfortunately, many people do not realize that bettas need stable water temperatures and often do not provide the necessary environment for these fish to thrive. One of the most common reasons for bettas looking dead is due to unstable water temperatures.

When a betta’s environment is constantly changing, it can be difficult for them to regulate their body temperature. This can lead to a number of health problems, including stress, which can ultimately be fatal.

Ammonia Poisoning​

Betta fish are popular for their vibrant colors and easy care. However, when something goes wrong with their environment, they can quickly look dead. The number one reason for bettas looking dead is ammonia poisoning. Ammonia is a toxin that is produced when fish waste decomposes. If there is too much ammonia in the water, it can cause respiratory problems and even death.

To prevent ammonia poisoning and keep your betta healthy, follow these tips:

  • Test your water regularly and make sure the levels of ammonia are below 0.5 ppm.
  • Change your water regularly, at least 25% each week.
  • Use a filter to help keep the water clean and free of toxins.

Old Age​

As Bettas get older, they may lose their color, become inactive, and stop eating. These signs may be mistaken for death, but in most cases, the Betta is still alive. If your Betta has stopped eating and is inactive for more than a day or two, you should try to get it to eat by moving it to a new tank or gently pouring some food into its mouth.

Tired Betta

How to Tell if Your Betta Is Sick

While Bettas are hardy fish, they can become sick. It is important to be able to tell when your Betta is sick so you can get it the help it needs. Here are some tips on how to tell if your Betta is sick.

Changes in Color

It is important for betta fish owners to be able to tell when their fish is sick, in order to provide it with the appropriate care. One of the easiest ways to tell if your betta is sick is by looking at its coloring. If your betta’s colors are dull or faded, this may be a sign that it is not feeling well.

Clamped Fins

The fins on a betta fish are used for balance and movement, so when they are clamped against the body, it is a sign that the fish is not feeling well. This could be due to a number of factors, such as parasites, infection, poor water quality, or stress. If you notice your betta has clamped fins, it is important to take measures to improve its health, such as changing the water quality, adding antibiotics if necessary, and reducing stress.


Lethargy is one of the most common signs that a Betta fish is sick. This behavior is characterized by a decrease in activity and an overall lack of interest in food, or other activities. Lethargic fish often rest at the bottom of their tanks and may have difficulty swimming.

Weight Loss

There are a few reasons why weight loss might be a sign that a betta is sick. One possibility is that the fish is not eating due to illness, which can lead to weight loss. Additionally, some diseases can cause inflammation in the gut and make it difficult for the betta to digest food, resulting in weight loss. Infections can also make the betta weak and susceptible to losing weight.

What to Do if Your Betta Is Sick

If you notice your Betta fish is not swimming around as usual, has clamped fins, or is lying at the bottom of the tank, it may be sick. It is important to take action and try to heal your fish if it is ill. Here are a few things you can do:

Check the Water Temperature

Bettas like their water around 76-80 degrees Fahrenheit, so if it is cooler or warmer than that, he may be feeling sick. Try adding a heater to the tank or adjusting the thermostat to get the water temperature in the desired range.

Perform a Water Change

Bettas like clean water, so changing at least 25% of the tank’s water will help improve his health. If the water does not have any trace of ammonia or nitrite, it is safe for him to go back in.

Provide Your Fish with More Oxygen

Providing them with more oxygen can help Betta recover from illness. This is because sick Bettas often have difficulty breathing, and increasing the amount of oxygen they receive can make them feel better. There are several ways to increase the amount of oxygen in your Betta’s tank, including adding an air pump or increasing the water flow.

Try Adding Aquarium Salt

Adding salt can help a sick betta because it can increase the water’s osmotic pressure. This increase can help the fish absorb more water and nutrients, which can help them recover from their illness. Additionally, salt can create an environment that is less hospitable to bacteria and other organisms that might be causing the illness. However, it is important to use the correct type and dosage of salt, as too much or too little can be harmful to the fish.


In conclusion, it is important to remember that Bettas can be very resilient creatures and often times they will act dead when they are not. If you are not sure if your Betta is dead, watch to see if it moves. If it does not move, try gently tapping the tank or moving the Betta’s food close to it.